How long holes wisdom teeth
However, when a tooth is large and erupted, the gums have to grow to cover the hole where the tooth was. The third effect on healing is the type of extraction. There are two types of tooth extractions. I want you to think of these in terms of the analogy of delivering a baby. A baby can be delivered naturally when it is positioned to slide through the birth canal. However, when positioned with insufficient space, a cesarian incision is required to create space for the baby to safely pass through.
The same goes for teeth extractions. The fourth component that affects how a tooth extraction heals is the medical history of the patient.
This one only applies to particular medical conditions. Some medical conditions that can slow the healing of a dental extraction are diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and immunosuppression. The amount of time required for a tooth extraction hole to heal depends on several factors—the location in the mouth, the positioning of the tooth, and the difficulty of extraction. The hole for a tooth extraction generally will begin to close around week 3 postoperatively and will be fully closed by week 4 to 6.
A few weeks after a tooth extraction, many people are pain free, but become concerned that they still have a hole in the place of the tooth. They wonder if the hole will remain forever, and I am glad to tell you, the site will heal. I know it feels like forever, but the hole will slowly close, and the site will fill in.
A limited range of mouth opening, also called trismus , is typical for about a couple weeks after a tooth extraction, especially for a lower wisdom tooth. The reason is there is normal swelling that occurs while the tooth is healing. To help reduce swelling from a tooth extraction anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen usually help. If you have TMJ soreness or limited opening that lasts longer than two weeks contact your dentist or oral surgeon to check in with them.
Dry socket is a condition that occurs following tooth removal. The technical term we call a dry socket is called alveolar osteitus. If you see that term about tooth extractions, it means the same. And if your wisdom teeth were impacted or unerupted, then the holes in the bone will be larger than what would be present after a simple tooth extraction. Ideally, yes. Just like any wound in your skin, your body creates a temporary cover scab to safeguard itself against pain and infection.
A wisdom tooth blood clot is part of natural healing methods. Any time that happens, it exposes the hole or socket underneath it where the tooth used to be. The gum tissue should close off the extraction site within a matter of days.
Within about two weeks, there should be a smooth texture over the socket that matches the gingiva gum tissues surrounding it. Underneath the gingiva, however, it may be around a few months before the socket starts to close. We can take an X-ray of the extraction site later on to ensure everything appears healthy within your bone, particularly if any cysts were present.
After the gingiva covers the socket, you may still notice a slight depression in that area, due to a lack of bone. Every time a tooth is extracted, some type of a hole is left behind.
If for any reason you continue to see a hole in your mouth after a tooth extraction, please see our dentist or an oral surgeon right away. Delayed healing or continual dry sockets can pose a high risk of infection and pain. These include:. If you have any questions or concerns about healing times, or if you need us to look at a tooth that may need an extraction, contact Dental Partners of Boston.
You can also schedule an appointment online. We are on hand to help with any of your dental needs. We look forward to helping you improve your smile! Your email address will not be published. December 2nd, by Dental Partners of Boston 3 Comments. When a tooth is extracted , it leaves a temporary hole in its place. It may take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Read on to learn more about how long it takes for a hole to close after a tooth extraction and some tips for a manageable recovery.
There are two types of tooth extraction processes. Simple tooth extractions are done on visible teeth — the ones that have already erupted through your gums. These teeth sometimes require extraction due to:. If your tooth being extracted is large or has several roots, it will take longer to heal. You should see the hole close by the end of the third week, but complete healing and elimination of the hole may take several months.
During this time, the hole will be closed, but may have an indentation you can feel with your finger or tongue. Visible teeth may also require extraction before orthodontic work to help make room for your remaining teeth to align properly in your mouth.
A simple extraction is done with a local anesthetic to numb the area. If your tooth being extracted is small, or only has a single root, the hole it leaves behind will close relatively quickly, in around 7 days. Complete healing will take approximately 1 additional week. This procedure is more extensive, so it takes longer for your tooth hole to close than after a simple extraction.