Can i get tpg adsl
If the customer has any issues with their dial tone, try other wall sockets around the premises. If there is still no dial tone they need to report this to Telstra. Possible phone socket issues. See if the customer knows which wall socket is the main one in the premises and try this one. Ask if the customer has a cordless phone.
These phones need a Central Filter. Try different phone cables. Make sure the customer hasnt placed a filter on the modem line i. If the customer still doesnt get sync back, we need to continue with troubleshooting. If the customer gets the sync back, then this could mean that: filters were placed incorrectly or they missed filtering a device a filter could be faulty or incorrect type of filter was used Physical phone line issue eg: too long etc.
Change modulation to G. If its a USB connection, uninstall and reinstall the driver. Note: Setting the modulation to G. Do an Isolation Test and replicate the problem. Level 2 will be handling the case now. They can run tests on the line and change line profiles if necessary to see if this will fix the problem. Remind the customer: Include this in your case documentation.
Leave their modem on for the next 48 working hours. Possible fee for service if the problem was found to be from customer premises.
As soon as we have further information about their case, customer will receive a call. No codes on the line, you cannot lodge a fault! Find out why there are no codes on the line. When the ADSL service works and then drops out due to the sync light dropping off either at predicted or random times, it is referred to as Intermittent Sync. This indicates data flow. But the norm is that it should be steady most of the time. Click on Last 24 hours.
Check Count of all blocks received with un-correctable errors this should be less than Suggest to try another modem if possible. Make sure you check:. The phone cable connecting the modem to the phone socket is less than or equal to 3m. Try another phone socket if available.
See if the customer knows which is the main phone socket in the premises and try this one. Ask how many devices the customer has on the ADSL service number.
Be sure that you get the following information from the customer before you lodge a fault or escalate: - How often does the customer loose sync? Any particular time of the day? On some modems it is labelled as the PPP light. Authentication issue is when the customer has sync yet their username and password is being rejected.
If not transfer the customer to CS. Please note that some modems may take up to 20sec to authenticate. Re-type the Username and the Password. For USB only modem, check for error message usually would get error or For Error , try plugging the modem onto other USB port available. Make sure to shut down the computer before disconnecting the USB cable from the computer. Check if the Password is correct via Call Tracking. Make sure the customer has the correct Username extension.
This is not case sensitive. For all new customers, the UN and PW are the same. For ADSL1 customers, try the alternative extension e. If customer is using a USB only modem, uninstall and reinstall drivers. Reset the password. Reconfigure the router with the new PW. Tell them to wait 15min. Make sure these devices are filtered. When a customer's modem has sync and is authenticated but cannot send or receive any data this includes not being able to browse or send and receive email , it is referred to as No Dataflow.
Make sure the customer is not using wireless connection. If so ask the customer to connect using Ethernet. Check UN extension. Connecting on the wrong domain may cause browsing issues.
NAT should be enabled. Run VPDN again. Make sure they are online and have a public IP address assigned. Ipconfig will show you the IP address received. If the customer is on 2F, make sure there are no other connections reported on VPDN, if so remove it and reset the password.
Advise the customer to try again in 15min. Ask them to do an ipconfig. If ping test of URL passed: Optimize browser settings delete cache, cookies, and history, lower security settings, set privacy to allow cookies. Remove proxy settings. Run Netstat to check and suggest to scan the PC for possible virus or spyware.
Are all these devices filtered correctly? The customer would be using a USB cable as apposed to an Ethernet cable. Keep in mind customer is no longer using a NIC, they would have a separate icon created once the driver is installed in Network Connections. Intermittent dataflow is when a customer always has sync. They can send and receive data most of the time, but either regularly or irregularly, they cannot send and receive data this includes not being able to browse or send and receive email.
If there is a sync problem and the customer is not aware of this, to them it looks like a dataflow issue. Another way you can identify Intermittent Dataflow is by pinging the customers public IP continuously. You will see a number of packets timing out packet loss while some pings may reply.
This will be evident at the time of the problem. If so, go through Intermittent sync checklist. If so, ask the customer to connect using Ethernet. Throttling gets lifted on the first day of the next billing month.
If the customer's throttling is lifted but are still on slow speeds can be verified by doing a download speed test , ask them to power cycle the modem. If this does not help, bring it to the attention of Floor Supports or TL.
This graph is quite generous! Whatever the graph indicates, if you take away approximately Mbps, this is what the customer would typically sync up at and this figure should be displayed in the DSLAM manager. Whatever the graph indicates, customers expected speed when doing a download from the TPG download Speed Test should be Mbps less.
If the customer is getting at least this, then it is not a fault. The best you can do is normal troubleshooting. Make sure the customer is not doing any downloads like updates.
Save the file to the desktop so as they can observe the download rate. As the download is being done, the customer needs to look at the speed reported and see where it stabilizes. The transfer rate is in kilobytes. Multiply it by 10 to have it in kilobits. For ADSL1, compare download speed test to package. For 8MB plan, compare it to the graph. This file is much bigger than the one for ADSL1 allowing for more accurate results. Please get the initial speed then cancel the download. This will be deducted from the monthly quota.
You can suggest using Cute FTP client. If the customer gets the incorrect speeds then continue with troubleshooting. Initial checks would be to look for excessive dataflow on the connection by double clicking on the connection icon in the Task Bar. Make sure there are no downloads or uploads being done at this time. Advise customer to update their antivirus definitions and do a full scan of the PC. Check the modulation. If using an ADSL modem, reinstall the driver. When you are lodging a fault or escalating through Call Tracking, along with the usual details you report make sure you also include: - What kind of speed fault are you lodging Download or Upload?
Including these rates are extremely important as the case cannot go further without this information. Sync 2. Authentication 3. Data Flow. Although wireless is not in the HD troubleshooting scope, we still need to provide basic troubleshooting. If customer does not have a wireless adapter they can purchase this from TPG:.
Please follow the manual on the helpdesk page under ADSL. Other adapter installations need to be done by the customer. Scanning and connecting to your wireless router When the PC has a wireless adapter installed and enabled and the routers wireless feature is also enabled, your PC should be able to scan for your networks SSID name of your network access point - wireless router.
To do this you double click on the wireless adapter icon in the Task Bar and scan for networks close by. You can refresh the network list by clicking on Refresh Network List on the left. Your PC will attempt to connect to the wireless router.
Once your PC has connected to the wireless router, you should see the Connected status. If your router asks for a password or key, this means there is encryption setup. Encryption This defines security for your wireless connection. Because there is no physical connection between the router and your PC, anyone else that comes in close range to the router, will be able to connect to your network and use your Internet.
To prevent this from happening, your PC and router must share a password or a key. This way only those who know this key will be able to join the network. Although we do not support wireless or encryption setup, it is good to know about it so as we can guide the customer into the right direction. Encryption is something that we strongly recommend for the customer to enable and so it would be good to have some basic knowledge about it.
When the customer buys a wireless router from TPG, the instructions for setting up security should be included. To setup this key, you first need to access the router interface and go to the wireless setup area.
You can either manually enter this key every time you want to make a connection to our router or have your PC remember it. Most people would have this set on their wireless adapter. Please note: We need to be careful when suggesting to customers to disable the security, since it will leave their connection vulnerable to unauthorized users. You should be able to ping your router from your PC, just like how you would with an Ethernet connection.
We can provide the customer with basic troubleshooting to show the customer direction. Check for Internet connectivity. Identify why the customer cannot use the Internet, is it a wireless issue or Internet is not working?
Check the Sync on the router. If there is no sync go to No Sync checklist, etc. Is the customer connected? Use VPDN. If not, go to Authentication checklist. Ask the customer to connect using Ethernet and see if this is an Internet problem or wireless connectivity issue. If the customer can use the Internet using Ethernet, then explain to the customer that the reason why they cannot use the Internet is because they have a wireless issue and not an Internet problem.
If the Internet does not work on Ethernet then troubleshoot as usual. Advice the customer: HD is not trained to support wireless issues however I can give you some simple instructions to try. If not then:. Could be that the router settings are set to hide the SSID. To enable this, you need to go back on Ethernet and log into the router to check.
Low signal strength? Put the cursor on the wireless icon in the Task Bar and check. Having low signal strength will cause the customer to have Internet issues. Factors that can affect wireless signal strength: - Too many walls in-between the PC and router. If possible move them closer. Could be issues with their encryption. Is it a customer specified key? It could be wrong. TPG Helpdesk has limited support for wireless issues, our first priority is to make sure the Internet works on Ethernet.
Changing the password can take up to 1 hour to take effect for the email inbox and 10 to 15 minutes for the Internet connection. Passwords must be letters and numbers only. Customers going to the Your Account section of the TPG home page are asked to provide a new password that is between characters long and contain at least 1 numeric number.
Password changes are allowed up to 3 times in 1 day. When changing a customers master account password, remember that there are many services that are reliant on this password. Internet Connection. Once customer has changed the password with TPG, their session will continue on their old password until after the minutes. If customer is using a modem, they must dial up with the new password next time they want to connect to the internet. If customer is using the Post Office to access emails, they need to log into their account with the new password.
If customer is using an email client like Outlook express, customer also needs to change the password to the new one. Free Web Space. Customers will need to use their new password to be able to FTP to their free web space. Customers need to log into their router to do this. If the customer has a Softphone account registered under the master account, then by changing the password it changes the access to the softphone service. Please ensure that you do not use the change of password troubleshooting step as an easy way out or to get the customer off the phone.
Changing password should only be done if: 1. It is a step recommended in this manual it must be noted that there is a reason why password resets are done more towards the end of the HD Authentication checklist, so the stage you do this is important 2. Customer insists. Customer password has been compromised someone else may know it.
Customer has completely forgotten their current password and has already exhausted all possibilities. Customer is still using their default password same as their UN as generated by IAS during registration. There are many services that rely on the master account password: 1. Internet Connection 2.
Master Email Account 3. Free Web Space 4. VoIP 5. Softphone 6. As Telstra do their tests, they report back to the ADSL Engineering team with updates and possible instructions they want the customer to carry out. When Telstra updates the engineer on the situation, the ADSL Engineer will contact the customer and pass this information on.
To leave their modem on for the next 48 hours. It may take up to 48 working hours until Telstra comes back with a response. During this time, line testing is done. The line cannot be tested if the modem is off. Possible Fee for Service by Telstra if they find the problem was in the customers premise 3. Other faults cannot be lodged if there is already an existing open fault including Residential Line Faults.
This type of fault is lodged by the customer directly to Telstra when their phone line has a problemnothing to do with ADSL- for example customer has no dial tone.
If there is a residential line fault and the problem is fixed according to the customer, they need to make sure that it gets closed first before we can lodge an ADSL fault. ETA for Faults. Telstra usually give us ETAs estimated time of arrival every time we lodge a fault. There is no set period, as it all depends on the area, recent occurrences lighting storms or how much backlog of other faults there are.
The standard ETA is always 48 hours, but many times it does run over. When Telstra have finished their testing, they will always ring us. Faults do take time to get fixed. When customers inquire about the status of the faults, often times we have no updates as yet.
From small home users to big businesses, all faults are handled in the same way. If the customer calls Helpdesk, it is the responsibility of each call agent to be able to identify if the customer has an open fault. Afterwhich, you need to contact the Engineering Team for immediate transfer to the Engineer in charge of the fault or anybody from the Engineering Team if the Engineer in charge is unavailable.
If an immediate transfer is not possible, arrange a callback with the customer. Sometimes open faults have a COB. This stands for Close of Business usually 5pm Sydney time , this is when the fault will be closed.
Once the fault is closed, Telstra will not revisit this case unless another fault is lodged. If a Closed Fault reoccurs within 20days with the same issue, the case can be re-lodged immediately.
The original escalated case will be reopened and case ownership will automatically be given to the last ADSL engineer who held case ownership. Initial troubleshooting should still be done to identify if the case is of the same nature as the previously escalated case. Proper documentation of the findings and recommendation for immediate re-endorsement to Engineering must be included in the case notes. A note must be included in the body in regards to the details of the re-escalation.
The contents must be able to answer the following questions: 1. Is the case within the 20 day monitoring period? Is the service experiencing the same symptoms as compared to the previously closed fault? What if a Telstra Tech calls the HD? However, sometimes the tech might call the ADSL queue unlikely the dial up queue. If you get a call from Telstra: A.
Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm Sydney Time. Log the call in Call Tracking B. Other times After 6pm Sydney time or anytime over the weekend. Give them the following number 02 This is the Telstra Queue.
Advise them to either: 1. Call back during the opening hours to talk to an Engineer or 2. Log in Call Tracking to say that you advised the tech to call back during opening hours or leave a message on the answering machine. Issue is not certain to be considered as a line problem. Service needs to be proven further. Customers are advised to be at the premise but they too should be aware of any possible FFS. Telstra Staff 1st level who generally lodges faults and inform us of any updates to faults.
COB, Close of Business. When line problem is evident. Field Technician is assigned to check on the customer's line condition. As Telstra has advised, it is not necessary for the customer to be at the premise while line checks are being done. FFS, Fee for Service. Fee for service is usually charged if Telstra has already been to the NBP and they make an onsite visit.
Fee for service will be charged if it is any other kind of issue i. It is the point that separates Telstra equipment and the customer. This would be the point where the main line gets connected to the premises.
The technician has to prove service is working before he leaves the NBP i. Usually performed by the specialist after hour monitoring of the connection Reset. A line reset is generally performed when the fault is lodged It resets the link between the gateway at the exchange to the point just before our routers. This means that the Telstra specialist will have had a look at the fault by this time but does NOT necessarily mean a fix has been found.
TTF, Tech to Field. Telstra will first go to the exchange and see if they can get the service working. If they need to do further investigation, they may possibly need to go inside the premises onsite visit.
A Telstra technician will try to go out to the network boundary and try to prove service is working from there. When a TTF is set, it is required to have a person over 18 years at the premises. When a TTF is set, an onsite visit is not always done, only if the technician feels it is required. When the TTF goes onsite, they do not help the customer set up. They plug in their own equipment and laptop.
If it works, they show it to the customer and informs us that it works pings and leaves. Fee for service may be charged.
This charge will appear on the customers next Telstra bill. Please note: If the customers original appointment is set for the following and wants to reschedule: AM NN customers local time they must let us know by Sydney time the day before customers local time they must let us know by Sydney time the same day customers local time they must let us know by Sydney time the same day.
Level 2 will run tests and take necessary action to get the problem fixed. They will even call the customer to see if what they have done has fixed the problem or not. If there is a need to visit onsite, customer will be contacted. To leave their equipment on for the next 48 working hours for testing to be done.
If the customer calls Helpdesk, it is the responsibility of each call agent to be able to identify if the customer has an Open Escalation. Afterwhich, you need to contact the Escalation Team for immediate transfer to the L2 in charge of the Escalation or anybody from the Escalation Team if the L2 in charge is unavailable.
The original escalated case will be reopened and case ownership will automatically be given to the last escalation staff that held case ownership. Proper documentation of the findings and recommendation for immediate re-escalation to Level 2 must be included in the case notes.
Immediate re-escalation to Level 2 can be done through the escalate folder in call tracking. Please remember that if the customer has any issues with their phone line quality, they must report this first to Telstra.
For example when the customer has no dial tone from any wall socket in the premises or when the line has static even when the modem is not connected to the line. Please note that it may be possible for the line to have no dial tone yet the Internet remains unaffected.
In this case customer must report no dial tone to Telstra. Examples of when customers must speak to Telstra first: 1. Customer has no dial tone or intermittent dial tone. Customers line has static and it effects their Internet when this static begins. Customer has Internet but no dial tone.
Customer cannot receive or make phone calls whether or not there is an issue on the Internet side. Receive customer requests for: 1. Relocation 2. Package Changes Speed changes possibly 3. Cancellation 4. Purchasing of ADSL equipment 5. ADSL Reconnections. The Logistics Team has many different roles.
Many of which involves: 1. Submitting to Telstra changes that the customer wants to make to their account. Nearly all changes to a package need to be done by Telstra. Except changes that leave the customer on the same speed, location and ISP. For most of these changes, the customer must email ADSL Admin so as the account can be billed accordingly. The Logistics Team has a queue. Customers do not talk to Logistics. Change of Lessee. When the customer changes the name on the Telstra bill it may effect the codes on the line and so the Internet.
Moving the ADSL service to another number or location. This includes: 1. Changing their service number and moving address or 2. Changing the service number but staying at the same address or 3. Moving address but keeping their service number.
Admin will process the application. Once Admin receives the request: - They submit this to Telstra. It will take working days from this day for the completion. If the customer is doing case 1 or 2 they would not loose their old Internet connection This is called Zero Downtime.
This is assuming the old number is still active. Remember if there is no line, there is no ADSL! If they are doing case 3 - Moving address but keeping their service number customer will loose the Internet since the phone line was disconnected and moved to a new location. This process incurs a fee and can take working days after Logistics makes the request from Telstra. When the customer has applied to cancel the account, Logistics will then submit to Telstra to get the codes cancelled on the line.
Speed changes. These changes take place because the customer moves to a package that may have a different speed. Customer may be charged a fee for this. For all these changes, it will take working days from the date of submission by Logistics 6. Customers who wants to churn to TPG must meet the following: 1. Customer is coming from a participating ISP.
The list can be found at: www. Customers must not have a pending ADSL cancellation order OR a pending service order for any work or additional services on the telephone line. The churn process will take a minimum of 3 working days to complete from the time Logistics submits the application. Churning to ADSL is free of charge. CRD must be more that 3 working days but less than 10 working days. This will alert you that the churn is in progress, and that it is time to change connection settings to TPGs.
Customers can purchase any additional filters. During troubleshooting, by following the guidelines for any type of problem, you may find that the problem may be with the equipment. If so, you must make sure the customer meets our requirements before they send the modem back for testing. In all circumstances, you must troubleshoot all possible aspects of the problem by following the troubleshooting guideline before you assume there may be an equipment fault.
This even includes lodging a fault if necessary. If in doubt please ask your TL or Floor Supports before you ask the customer to send the equipment for testing. It is a revolutionary new technology that allows users to make telephone calls using a broadband Internet connection IP to IP voice communication. VoIP converts the voice signal from your telephone into a digital signal.
This digital signal travels over the Internet then converted back to voice signal at the other end. In general, phone service via VoIP costs less than equivalent service from traditional sources. VPC Service 2. Softphone VoIP 4. VPC stands for Virtual Phone Card, it is a prepaid phone card service, which can be used from any landline telephone. VPC is similar to phone cards that can be purchased from retail outlets however the details will be issued electronically to customers.
This is different to a VoIP service that requires a call to be made from a computer. Metro areas are the capital cities of the States in Australia. Regional areas are other cities in each state where we offer this service. VoIP usage can be viewed through the Display usage link. If customers are located in one of these cities, they dont need to dial the area code for the Gateway:.
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Why chatbots still suck in How long will a UPS keep your computers on if the lights go out? Announcing the IoT Awards finalists. The signals involved in ADSL connections degrade with their distance from a signal exchange, with a functional limit of about 5km. ADSL runs through the old copper lines that are already used to carry phone signals, while the NBN requires dedicated fibre optic cables to send large amounts of data at high speed.
The NBN is intended to replace these older copper connections, with the older cables removed as the NBN is established. In neighbourhoods where the NBN is fully installed, households will be unable to access ADSL since the cables it uses will no longer be present. As with any Internet service, it's important to note that this 24Mbps figure is a maximum, and the actual speeds you'll experience will likely be slower. Speeds will be very variable and depending on where you live or what time of day you're accessing the network, you might get something more like Mbps.
To put this in perspective, the variable download speeds offered by ADSL can be comparable to ranging from the first and second of the four NBN speed tiers, NBN12 and 25 , which offers roughly the same. As previously mentioned, the old copper lines get decommissioned when the NBN has been installed.
A multi-award winning journalist, Alex has written about consumer technology for over 20 years. Alex has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of New England and a serious passion for retro gaming.
Is your ADSL actually slow or is it as fast as it can go? Find out what ADSL speed to expect, and what you can do to boost your connection. Are we better off with NBN? Click here to cancel reply. That was almost a month ago. Istill have no connection and cannot fet in touch with them. Do you have any suggestions on who i should try instead? If you wish to contact Belong to inquire about your existing plan with them, you may head to their official website.
Kindly review and compare your options on the table displaying the available providers. If you are still under contract with Belong, it is still best to contact them before switching to another provider as this may incur fees for early disconnection.
Hope this helps! Dear friends. I beg you to answer me. I ask you to reply if possible to continue with my Internet provider Belong , when Telstra switches off my home phone and tell me how to do it. In advance I thank you for your response and help. Thank you! Just to give you a little background about NBN, once it becomes available in your area, your existing telecommunications networks will be replaced and upgraded. This is the reason why Telstra has to shutdown your phone line.
As for your internet connection with Belong, in time, it will still be switched to NBN. Though you would receive a warning from your provider and from NBN before the disconnection. I would suggest that you contact Belong if you still want to get services from them for your new NBN connection or discuss options available to you before your line and ADSL gets disconnected. Meanwhile, you may find our guide on how to switch to NBN useful.
You may compare your options for naked DSL. If you have already chosen a provider, you may directly call them to apply or you may visit their website. Do the companies accept our modem if we have one? I have a Sagemcom no idea about the model, because there are so many numbers and codes at its bottom. Usually, internet providers allow you to use your own modem as it is a self-installation process.
Now, if it is not working, you may call your current provider not the provider who previously owns your modem , to see if there is incompatibility and see if they can fix it or you need to buy a new one. I live in Mernda. Have been waiting for 12months to recieve a port at the exchange so I can get a phone line at my house. Any idea how I can push this along or how far away NBN is from being installed in my area.
Slowing beginning to boil with frustration. Sounds frustrating. I would recommend entering your full address in our NBN tracker. Optional, only if you want us to follow up with you. Our goal is to create the best possible product, and your thoughts, ideas and suggestions play a major role in helping us identify opportunities to improve. We compare from a wide set of banks, insurers and product issuers. We value our editorial independence and follow editorial guidelines.
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