Which seeds give motes of harmony
Tip : Have you ever wondered how players have so many level 85s or how they can level an 85 so quickly? I use and strongy recommend Zygor's in-game leveling addon which will enable you to level in 5 days of played time. You can find a free version of it here. Your email address will not be published. Read This Guide! Where to Farm Spirit of Harmony. Levels Leave a comment 1 Comments.
Kunzen village around 33,26 in the valley of the four winds has had a rather high drop rate for me so far. Killed between mobs and got 4 motes I might have just been lucky And now it's back. Why do Blizzard insist on making us jump through these hoops, this thing stacks to anyway.
But no no no, we want YOU to turn 10 of them into something that stacks to 20 and use that to make stuff. The entrance is at 59,52 , just north of One Keg. There are little white circles on the ground. If you walk over them or AoE them, you will pull approximately sprites.
They die fairly easily. I get a Mote of Harmony every 4 or 5 pulls takes about 5 minutes. There is also a ton of ore in this cave. Comment by crazeheals The Shamans in Kun Lai have a decent drop rate.
This makes mob farming much easier Fs leveled here to 90 in 4 hours and 30 mins. I just dinged 89 and already looted motes which I converted for the imperial silk but if you guys want to get the contender pvp set 1 mote for each recipe I recommend you go farm these bad boys.
Comment by Aliok Mote of Harmony's Wowhead item page is now forever immortalized or satirized, take your pick. Re-Mote Possibilities. You can farm both mobs solo or in a group of two people, maybe you even can get there without being level 90 to farm additional xp.
I recommend you farming this spot only with DD specc and heroic gear, because you will be able to kill this mobs way faster this way!
This gives you even more profit because of instant respawn and no downtime. The mount will sell for a extremely high price, because of the very low drop chance of the Skyshards! By using this farm spot u can get them very fast. You will find this treasure chests by dying in front of the gates and then walking through them as a ghost They also drop Mote of Harmony - Item - World of Warcraft , which you can use for your professions.
I use them for Riddle of Steel - Spell - World of Warcraft , which gives me a high gold income by selling Living Steel - Item - World of Warcraft and their proccs with the transmutation specialization. I came away with about 1, ghost iron, little over half that in tea leaves and poppy and a sum total of 14 motes of harmony.
Comment by kabookiejoe i was wondering if anyone has tried using a potion of luck when killing mobs? Comment by Hoping this helps someone else like it did me. The Sra'vess Island just west of the Niuzao temple island, there are a over abundance of Mantrid. They also give Black Prince reputation. Non-elites: 11 reputation; Elites: 17 reputation Before modifiers of course. Reason I say more then, is we kept farming to cap off out current mote stacks, even after we hit honored.
Comment by kirby40 they also come from plundered chests. There is a general and 8 soldiers in each set. I seem to get one or two motes per pull. Averaging Spirits per hour. No one is questing on them and they are easy to kill. With roiling blood, Dancing Rune Weapon, and the Angel of Death I get to about k dps and mobs drop really fast.
It is easier to farm here where that buff drops the mobs for you. I also suggest getting the painkiller buff from the Klaxxi the blue buff. If you do get overwhelmed it will encase you in amber and heal you nearly full.
Just simply kill a group, and move to the next one. They are located on the east ends of the horseshoe shaped scar. They respawn by the time you finish killing all the sets. There are about 6 tight little groups to farm.
They are the Ik'thik Slayer and Warriors. They also drop a lot of Dread Amber shards which are an infinitely repeatable reputation quest for the Klaxxi. Good Luck! Where the daily Tillers quests take you to the Kunzen village there are little packs of Kunzen Rockflinger that throw stones. There are around 5 to a pack and spawn in pockets a little away from other mobs so if you do it properly you can fly in, AOE them down quite quickly as they have smaller health pools than the rest, loot and then move on.
If doing this alone when its quite the respawns can be a little slower but if you do it when its busy the respawns are crazy and the motes drop quite regularly. Comment by Drathellia Need to up the drop rate just a tad on these Comment by PerfeCisolation I haven't seen anyone mention that these can be placed in specialty bags like Otherworldy bag Which is interesting considering it's not an herb, enchanting materials, leather, scribe mats ect.
The entrance to the marrow chamber is at The room is crawling with mantids and the yellow marrow beams kill the npc's very quickly. Taunt, or attack these guys from the opposite side of a beam of marrow or otherwise kite them into the beams for very quick kills. Keep going in a circular motion around the room killing and looting.
Very quick way to grab a maximum number of motes per hour. In my opinion the drop chance alongside with the spawn rate has been reduced with a hotfix. Please excuse me from any grammar english mistakes, it's my second language. Regards, Killovolt. I'm trying to craft a full set of gear for my Death Knight to start pandaria with.
One Thrash and a Swipe and they're done. They are always in groups of , level 90 Which means the best drop rate , and extremely easy to kill if you have some AoE's. Just watch out for the patrolling elites! Edit - It seems they've caught on. Patch 5.
Comment by Measa I think I found the best place to farm this. In the The Veiled Stair near the Taver in the Mists there is a burrow full of Hatescale mobs that drop them more then in any area I've found so far. In addition the Mobs dropped Windwool Cloth which is great since my priest now has a good amount of the stuff. And cant use them. My Pally does mining and enchanting. Comment by So after much deliberation over where to farm between my shaman buddy and I we finally found a good spot.
In the valley of fourwinds around the very northwestern part there is a hozen camp where one of the Tiller dailies takes place. Around this area are groups of low HP mobs that have a pretty solid drop chance. I'm not a numbers guy but after close to six hours of farming we made out of there with 20 spirits of harmony motes.
They seem to drop motes per group with some dry spells lasting minutes. We put the loot on free-for-all and just had the LW pick up the loot. All in all not a bad day. Edit: Shauolin, the poster above me already discovered this 5 days ago and shared.
Fail on my part. Comment by A really good place to farm motes of harmony is just east of the pools of purity in vale of the four winds. They re-spawn extremely fast, and you can also skin them if you've got skinning. Comment by siakitty If you haven't started the quest chain at Zhu's Watch, during the quest Zhu's Despair there are several insanely fast-spawning level 86 mobs in town for the quest with only 92k health. They are easy to kill, hit like a feather, and unlike many phased quest mobs appear to have a standard loot table.
If you are just beginning your adventures into Pandaria's crafting and require Harmony for your recipes, this is an extremely easy way to farm them. You may have a different experience depending on your class and killing power.
Comment by Northwestern part of Valley of the Four Winds where Hozen monkeys are is my favourite. In 2 days of light farming 3hours max per day I've got around Spirits of Harmony. As well in those 2 days 2 epics dropped tank shield and cloth chest , many blues greens, looted so many dark soil.
I've been using Golden Fleece and probably got like k golds just from greens and the trinket. Good thing is that 2 rares are from both sides of farming spot so you can go check on them occasionally for these useful drops Crystal of Insanity and Helpful Wikky's Whistle. Anyway as protection paladin I've managed to stack 2 camps at once mobs and kill with use of barrel, quite simple. I encourage you everyone try that place. Comment by nealj Ookin Shaman in Summit have an amazing drop rate of all the areas I have been to.
I just killed 5 in about 5 minutes took me awhile to find where they spawn in higher numbers than 1 lol , dropped 4 motes. Comment by NightSky The extremely popular "turtle" spot on the eastern side of the Pools of Purity in Valley of the Four Winds has been hot-fixed in a fashion.
The turtle re-spawn rate has been increased. This may still be a viable farming spot if you're one of the only people around, however. Would love to know if anyone has discovered an area comparable to the old "turtle" area because after tasting that, these other places are just cheap off-brand substitutes at best.
I will continue down the list on these forums to test out other mote farming areas. Comment by K9Justice In an effort to maximize efficiency of time during Mote of Harmony farming, I have been thinking. I did a search of Curse but was unable to find any addons which do what I'm looking for.
I'm looking for an addon which tracks time of farming, mobs being farmed, location of farm, and the loot which was farmed during those things. Does anyone know of anything like this? Comment by ironskillet well, no more farming motes of harmony during the AC jade temple dailies. Comment by Dreamscape78 I found motes of harmony in sealed crates while leveling my fishing skill.
I have no clue about drop chance but from 10 crates i got 2 motes in about 2 hours of fishing. Comment by Drathellia Ruins of Dojan in Karasarang Wilderness had a great drop rate on mote of harmony got 20 off the Dojani there in less than and hour. While on the Nesingwary quests hunting the Gorge Stalkers and Dustback Mushan west of the Nesingwary camp in valley of the four winds I had a decent drop rate. I found 4 in about 20 mins. Comment by elkagorasa This do not drop in non-heroic Scholomance.
IF you are a tank, you can go and pick up one of the "enhancements" from Klaxxi'Vess called Iron Mantid. Absorbed, blocked, dodged, missed, parried, redirected, reflected, and resisted attacks against the bearer cause Bladeturning. If pulling mobs this will procs all the time, i can imagine it procs even quicker for a warrior or paladin since they have block.
Head out to the island Zan'Vess in the south west corner of Dread Wastes. And then just start mass pulling as many as you can handle, as a Blood DK i can easily pull 20ish mobs without dying. Don't know how good monks, warriors or druid tanks are, but prot paladin works as well.
Unfortunately there is also dailies on this island if you have bad luck and farming won't be possible on a high pop realm like mine. Edit: This is also a very good place to farm mining as well! Comment by Is Blizz still thinking of making these items account bound? Anyone know? This seed will grow into a Mote of Harmony. At Exalted you will have 16 farm slots and be able to farm 16 motes per day.
Comment by ironskillet well unless i was the world's unluckiest person for 20 minutes kunzen rockflingers in valley dont drop these anymore, very disappointing, it appears blizz wants to get rid of all the good ways to grind this. Anyone else noticed this too? Comment by zeiz I'm the unluckiest guy in the world. Comment by Aliandrin I believe we're looking at a dynamic drop rate.
The more you kill a thing, the less that thing drops Mote of Harmony. This is why it looked like higher-level mobs dropped them more; at first, it was a matter of the higher-level ones being killed less. They would do this to prevent excessive no-brainer, intensive farming. Comment by Lordplatypus You get motes of harmony by killing things Seems legit.
When doing the Shado-pan daylies you can grab a helper the best of which imo is the tank for larger groups for farming. Comment by nukli Wow.. I use these two as my primary mote farming spots. Comment by Namand drop rate is terrible on these. Lots of people farming. Getting enough motes to make crafted items turns wow into a job.
Please increase drop rate Blizz. Comment by If you need to farm Mote of Harmony instead of grow and harvest them on your farm using Songbell Seeds I found a good spot to be in Krasarong Wilds just northwest of Angler's Wharf where the Riverblade Raiders and Thieves are.
You can get a daily quest from Angler's Wharf to kill these guys also. What makes it a good spot is that most of the Raiders are already fighting with friendly Expedition Defenders in the area, so a lot of them are at low health, AND since it's a daily the spawn rate is very high for these guys.
They also drop a good amount of Windwool Cloth , and the odd Scallion or Witchberry though barely at all. Comment by Kharnachrist Read my comment on this page, this is probably the best spot to farm. Comment by sp2danny Have the droprate been stealth-buffed in 5.
Getting tons now. Comment by restopresto Would be kinda nice to see them BOA. Understand that this could cause programming issues etc but as I like many of you, I play multiple characters. The distribution across my chars is uneven as they drop as the weirdest times and being able to share them where I want them would be super.
In any case, this subject is likely to be a hot one for at least the next year. Comment by wowZhenek I find those tricksters in mistfall village a better place to farm. I think I farmed almost motes in 5hours. Spot on place to get Mote's and it certainly hasn't been nerfed from what I can see.
I just went there and within around minutes I got 25 or so Motes and around 10 green items. Easy to kill them too, 95k health, can basically pull every single one of them Though I am level 90, but I'd expect you shouldn't find it too hard even as a lower level person.
Luckily I hadn't done the quest before. You need to do about 6 quests before you get this quest too. After collecting 25 or so Mote's, I hearthstoned back to Org without completing the task.
I'm guessing I can return there at any time and pick up where I left off. By far the best place I'd say. The kills are easy, you're in no danger of dying and they respawn almost instantly.
And take note, I almost gave up after around minutes because no Mote's had dropped and I began to think this was wrong Spend an hour here and you should easily have 30 motes. I'm using these motes to turn them into Spirit Of Harmony. Looking at a g profit for one bar. So basically, 40 mins to an hour of farming get's me g, plus a massive amount of green items that can either be sold in AH or even make about g from shop keepers etc Do this for a few weeks and it quickly begins to total up.
Comment by kinigit It is possible to get motes on low level characters. My level 80 scribe started fishing for 50 Mote of Harmony at level 1 fishing.
It took several hours. I ended up at fishing. I was able to fish crates from my first cast at level 1 fishing and Darkmoon Faire is accessible to level 1s thus low level character and bank alts could fish these up.
However, I am fairly certain every recipe that uses the Mote of Harmony requires a level 80 to reach the sufficient profession level. Spirit of Harmony can be used as currency so if you have some reason to fish these up below level 80 then it is possible. To give an idea of how long this will take for planning purposes; I earned the fish achievement and I fished approximately Shipwreck Debris pools.
Moving between the pools significantly increases the time it takes so don't just mentally calculate how long fishing or casts would take. I recommend you stock up on Elixir of Water Walking during the 3 weeks off time leading up to the Darkmoon Faire.
Comment by cotea hi there. Comment by Kold77 If you have a lowbie toon I was 87 that you need these for to make things such as and just my examples which are BoA items, I found to get these there are 2 surefire ways as of MoP WoW 5. If you don't mind the grind you get get about one spirit 10 motes every hour or so if the laws of probability are on your side. From the Shadow-Pan Fallback walk along the top of the wall south.
All of the above PVP section stuff can be skipped if you bribe a guildy or someone with a flying passenger carrying mount to fly you to the Honor Vendor. Just be careful of phased areas as you will be booted off the mount. The Honor Vendor sells for Honor. I am sure there may be other ways. Please up-vote if this helped and comment if you have any other methods.
EDIT: It is much easier, faster, and better if you keep your honor points and just mob grind. I like the cranes because there is plenty enough around where if nobody else is grinding them you can just keep going and going. Even at 90 I use this spot to fill in extra motes quickly to make a. Comment by treii28 A few good places I have found to farm these: Quest mobs in general tend to be the best sources.
Blizz has caught onto some of the more popular spots and nerfed them so I'm not telling my 1 spot which is still ridiculous for gaining a lot of these, a lot of greens and a lot of cloth in a hurry. But some other good quest spots I've seen which tend to be good for these include Just about anywhere there are sprites.
The sprites often come in threes or can at least be pulled in mass. Many are tied to quests so they will respawn quicker than regular mobs. Examples of places with sprites would be the cave NW of the temple of the tiger. There's another cave with lower level ones south of the temple which includes a rare spawn chest in the back, some areas of northern Jade forest, and many quest areas in the Vale of Eternal Blossums although these tend to be the hardest to burn quickly.
Sprites also tend to make for good farms because they will drop various food items depending on which ones you farm. For tailors especially: The various quest based lizard dudes I forget the mob name but you find some in Vale of Eternal blossoms on some days with the Golden Lotus dailies as well as off the coast or in the caves on the coast of Jade Forest with the Cloud Serpent dailies.
I just stumbled on these the other day although I'd already been out there some farming the turtles on my skinner. Quest related hozen. There are a couple of areas in Jade forest especially where groups of hozen are tied to quests. These tend to be good especially for tailors as, again they will spawn quickly if quest related and die quickly while dropping greens and cloth. For skinners: Turtles tend to be the best. There's the small pond near the entrance north in the Valley of the four winds that is good for low level turtles, then there's the aforementioned islands off the coast of jade forest for higher level ones.
There are also some nice mid-level turtles around the pond in SW valley of the winds tied to the Nesingwary quests with lots of other skinnables round about that you can pick up while waiting on more turtle spawns.
Another good spot, although farming is a bit slower due to the level of the mobs is the small pond in SE Dread Wastes. You can farm turtles, striders and gators there and it's worth doing if you need klaxxi rep because they will also occasionally drop the shards for the repeatable rep quest.
I have as of yet to try various places with the mantid, but I am curious to see how the ones around the August Celestials quests in Townlong do for drops. Again, quest tied mobs and if you need to, you can fall back to the pandaren guards or the pat of the big yak to help burn them down quickly.
Comment by Troelsy Many of the places listed in comments on here as being good places to farm Mote of Harmony are either outdated been nerfed or simply are just crap for level 85s.
I managed to find an amazing place as of Feb for my 85 frost Mage to farm Mote of Harmony. They respawn faster than I can kill them. They give the best yield I have come across for level 86 mobs. Lets say less than 10 min waiting for lfg to pop and I got 3 Motes of Harmony. I have returned several times to this location and got the same results. Comment by Sulker I found the island in the very south of Krasarang Wilds to be the best farming spot for those. You can pull of them together, I never had problems to kill those amounts as a iLvl survival hunter.
There are to main spots to pull those hozen: 1. The pit at the western part of the island. Two hozen are batteling inside while hozen are watching. You can easily pull them together and AoE them down. From the pit, go to the west and you'll find another pack of hozen sitting in a circle. Just as with the first spot, pull them together and AoE them down. Also, there's a chance for a rare spawn at the far eastern edge of the island.