What makes johnny think of dallas as gallant
It makes him think he is still alive and he lies to himself claiming that he killed bob only because he was trying to protect ponyboy. Johnny idolizes gang member Dallas Winston. That was all Johnny had ever wanted. In The Outsiders, Ponyboy passes out after Dally dies because he is fatigued, seriously injured, and emotionally traumatized by the recent events.
Why do you think Dally would have wanted to die? Whenever Bob would get into trouble, his parents would blame themselves, and Bob would go unpunished. I never told anyone that. They bleached and cut their hair, their hair is a part of who they are, it identifies them as greasers. How did Johnny feel about Dally? He loves Dally because he was always cool and calm in situations.
What information did Dally bring the boys? Dally and Johnny share a unique friendship, characterized by similar admiration, mutual respect, and indirect compassion for one another. Dally and Johnny both come from broken homes and are significant members of the Greaser gang.
Press ESC to cancel. Ben Davis April 8, What did Johnny like about Gone with the Wind? Why does Johnny admire the Southern gentlemen in Gone with the Wind? What part of Gone with the Wind does Johnny like the best? Why does Johnny like Dally so much? Why did Ponyboy say Dally wanted to die?
Is Dally dead? Pony's hair was his pride and joy; now, not only does he lose it, but he also changes its color. His hair color changes from a reddish hue — a warm, comfortable color — to white.
White contains all the colors of the spectrum and is a crossover color that cannot be affiliated with anyone.
As in earlier chapters, the color white brands him as an outsider — this time to his own identity as a greaser. Cutting their hair forces the boys to deal with the trauma of their situation. After crying and venting their emotions, they settle into life in hiding at the church. To help pass the time, they read Gone with the Wind. The Civil War novel begins to take on special significance in this story.
Johnny, especially, likes the book, and Pony is amazed that Johnny can get more meaning out of the story than he can. Johnny didn't do well in school: " — he couldn't grasp anything that was shoved at him too fast, and I guess his teachers thought he was just plain dumb.
But he wasn't. He was just a little slow to get things, and he liked to explore things once he did get them. Johnny's love for the book — and his ability to get more meaning out of this novel than Pony does — defies society's assumptions about Johnny and greasers in general, especially with regard to what they can accomplish and enjoy.
The class distinction between the greasers and the Socs becomes blurred, indicating that being an outsider is a matter of perspective a recurring theme in the book. Johnny is especially impressed with the Southern gentlemen. Johnny relates to these men because they are gallant and cool even when everything is against them, just like the greasers are. The South had attempted to secede from the union, and at the time of the Gone with the Wind story , they were losing the Civil War. They were the "outsiders" and in the novel they are gallant even in the face of defeat.
Want this question answered? Study guides. Q: What ddi dally do to make himself gallant according to johnny? Write your answer Related questions. In the book the outsiders what does johnny compare dally to? What did johnny admire about dally? How does johnny fell about dally? In what ways was dally gallant? Why does Johnny compare the gallant southern men to Dally-The Outsiders?
What makes Johnny think of Dallas as gallant? Why doesn't Dally want Johnny to turn himself in? Why was johnny's dying so difficult to dally to handle? Is Bob a hero in The Outsiders? Why did johnny think that dally was gallant? Why was dally's death gallant in The Outsiders? How did johnny feel about dally in the outsiders? Why do you think dally loves johnny?
What does johnny say that shocks dally? Why does johnny compare dally to the gallent southern gentleman in Gone With the Wind? Why doesnt dally want johnny to turn themselves in? Why does dally kill himself after johnny dies? What is Dally's relationship with Johnny in The Outsiders? Why doesnt dally want johnny to turn himself in?
How did johnny fell about dallas Winston? What does dally fear will happen to johnny if he carries out his plans? Why was dally upset with johnny's decision?