What is the difference between ghd mk3 and mk4
I just spent like an hour on the phone. I called all of the high end salons in my city and I don't know if it's the language difference primarily Spanish speaking city or GHD isn't as welll known, but they had no idea what I was talking about. They were all like Yes we carry the Shi. The G-H-D clearly enunciated. Do you have that? The Shi. Yes we have. I have thick, coarse asian hair that also gets dyed every 5 weeks or so. I bought mine from costco.
That's great, thanks! I'm definitely getting the MK4 since I'm so forgetful. Beach Bum O. Feb 17, 34, Get a GHD.. My CHI has ruined my hair Swanky Admin Admin. Jan 12, 87, 10, It is highly imperative to invest wisely otherwise cheap hair straighteners can cause irreparable damage here. The kind of ceramic irons used in the process are considered to be the most effective functional unit in comparison to other products.
GHD repair centre standards ensure that by no means hair shall be left at the mercy of compromising elements. With the advent of technical advancement, the usage part has become effortlessly easy and instant results can be asked for.
The kind of hair that people wear depends on number of other factors as well. The availability of GHD website has made striking difference. It empowers thousands of people sitting back at homes or workstation to acquire significant amount of knowledge.
GHD contact number section is in earnest efforts to bridge the gap between two distant ends. The kind of response available here is an encouraging sign for those who believe in quality and taking innovative approach towards it. Time is of scarce nature so ghd customer service UK has made all the arrangements to tackle various issues comprehensibly.
It would not be incorrect to put forth that audience has been comforted with all modern day techniques to strengthen the fan base. At times, when nature causes disruption and causes public damage.
Under such circumstances, one can react calmly and sit back when something goes wrong with the functioning mechanism of hair straighteners. It might catch fire or faulty ghd hair straighteners start working uncharacteristically. There are numerous reasons why you should have your ghd styler repaired, but this article covers just four out of many good reasons why you should have the ghd tongs repaired. Often price is the deciding factor, the tipping point of a decision. The price of a brand new ghd styler is costly; it is a quality styler after all.
The price of our ghd tongs repair service is not costly, but affordable, which makes it an attractive selling point of our service one of many reasons to use us. When you consider that we have a fixed price, a repair through our business becomes even more attractive. A ghd styler is a quality hair styling product used worldwide by a wide range of users. What started off being solely used in hair salons, is now used in households across the UK and also by celebrities and musicians.
The current face of ghd is Katy Perry the musician and the brand is still strong, with good reason. A ghd styler can produce a variety of results: hair straightening, curling, waves and more. A ghd styler is easy to use on thick hair as well as thin. The plates heat up quickly and run smoothly through hair, where many competitors suffer and their products often require extra time to use.
So the quality of the product mentioned early translates into results. Couple this with the fact that you will know what to expect from your existing ghd styler, and provides another reason to have your ghd tongs repaired.
The environment is a worry. Many of us are concerned with packaging, new product creation and try to maximise the lifespans of existing items whilst making sure it is safe to do so. So by using our ghd styler repair service you are extending the life of your ghd tongs, many of the parts able to be reused and the ghd styler is restored to operation once again.
Plus we perform Portable Appliance Testing PAT as part of our service, so safety is also addressed by our ghd repair service.
Take the four factors above and combine together and you realise a damaged or faulty ghd styler should be restored. Our ghd tongs repair service has full UK coverage and we will fix them in 72 hours or less from when we receive them. Perhaps your faulty GHD hair straighteners are part of a gift set? When you have an old pair of GHD hair straighteners you naturally would think nobody can repair them, but you would be wrong! We repair all GHD hair straightener models including the mk3, mk4 or pairs from a gift set.
Do not attempt to fix the GHD hair straighteners yourself. The fact is that unless you are a qualified electrician you can put yourself and others safety at risk.
Plus only a specialist who is used to dealing with faulty GHD hair straighteners can provide the quality repair you require. It is essentially that the correct replacement components are purchased. Not only can it be dangerous if the wrong replacement parts are used, but even if the GHDs work the end results can be different, such as wrong temperatures amongst other issues.
In most cases with these models it is simply the cable that needs replacing and this cable is commonly known as the MK3 power cable. Please note the design on the front of the straighteners is often an indication as to which cable will fit your ghds. The general rule of thumb is that if the professional irons have a row of five parallel lines at the tip of the irons, as seen in the middle iron above, then the cable you require is the MK3 type.
The images above show the cable configuration for the first edition MK4 ghd's, these include: MK4. Again, as you can see these irons all have five parallel lines at the tip of the irons and therefore all require the MK3 type cable. The images above show the newer edition MK4. Notice the picture above right shows the MK4.