What does nutnfancy carry

Put a time stamp in the video link. Great info. Looks like you have a lot more content on TNP info than I do. Do you have videos time stamps listed as a source? If not we should work on that together.

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This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Previous Post 3D Printable Gun and guns. Next Post Good shopping centers for Gun Online. Top favorite! Honestly, I should do that for all the terms. Thank you for commenting. Sounds great. You can sign up on the site, and start editing. Close Quarters Battle.

Thank you so much for sharing this one James, can you link up a video? Thanks for adding this. Do you have a video link and time stamp of when his says it? I wondered what the hell SAWC was from one of his videos. Semi-Automatic Precision Rifle?

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Leave this field empty. August 9, August 9, Editor in Chief , emergency first aid , emergency first aid kits , emergency kit , emergency survival , first aid , first aid kit , first aid kits , medical care , nutnfancy , preparedness , sootch00 , suture techniques , urgent medical attention , USNERDOC.

Most people hopefully will never be confronted with a person who has suffered gun or stab wounds and is in need for Read more. Gear Reviews. February 23, Editor in Chief equipment , Gear , LBE , nutnfancy , preparedness , tactical gear , vest , video , wrol. As usual he goes into the many details Read more. January 11, January 15, Editor in Chief awareness , edc , geographical location , home defense , nutnfancy , survival , survival kit , survival systems , TNP , urban environment , urban survival , video.

We addressed Read more. Guns Reviews. January 2, January 3, Editor in Chief. But I've been carrying that exact same Cold Steel for months now, and it is an excellent EDC knife apart from the fact that its size and appearance sometimes causes frowns on people's faces. Where do the differences in opinion come from? To find out, let's discuss the two characteristics in question. In MY opinion and please remember, that's the opinion of a city slicker with no weight constraints on his mind , it should be comfortable to carry, easily deployed, and able to do just about all the cutting chores I may come across.

That's about it. Defined this way, the Cold Steel folder performs excellently, and I speak from experience. Tactical Nutnfancy basically gives the Cold Steel in this review an all-thumbs-up for defensive purposes, and as folders go, I couldn't agree more. Where I disagree with him is that a 2. But I am also sure that any would-be attacker would not be able to keep himself from smiling if you drew that in a confrontation.

I'd do it if I had nothing else, but What's my point here? Most of us that carry a knife at all should have considered PoU when choosing. Should we ever totally disregard 'tactical' ie defensive purposed in our criteria? I say not, certainly not if we only carry the one blade. And if not, shouldn't we always choose a knife big enough to make us feel secure enough to use it in that capacity? What is big enough will be different for everyone.


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